Sunday, May 6, 2012

My First Alban Eilir- Back Post 03/21/2012

Many springs have come and gone; and change happens. I've not always paid attention to what that has meant in my life. Not this spring, each day is reason to take notice; each season is time to celebrate. I do not have all the tools to do proper rites, but I do have the heart and love for the spirits to celebrate the season.

I wasn't feeling well so I had stayed home from work a couple of days this week. Most of my days were spent in tears laying in bed. The pain in my body was such a contrast to the joy in my heart. I got up from my bed and slowly made my way toward the back door to let my dog out yesterday. I felt the sun's warmth instantly and knew I could sit outside briefly. As I soaked in the sun I felt it was time to do my simple, not ready, unorthodox equinox blessing.

After ten minutes of mulling to bring out a few items, I lit three candles on the tree stump I normally use as a foot stool. I stood a bit unbalanced a moment before the three flames, hands up held to the breeze and thanked the Gods and Goddesses for the breath of life, the urge to dance and my long time need for joy. I was thankful for the freedom to finally walk my own path. I went on to thank my Kindreds, the nature spirits that surrounded me and gave a small offering of a chocolate chip cookie. It brings me so much joy how could it not my Kindreds. Simple and sweet that cookie; as simple as my first true ritual in my new path of old beliefs. The sun's rays warmed my body as I felt cleansed and even for just those moments, stood without pain. I smelled the newly blooming flowers and listened to the breeze through the many trees. I heard the Goddesses' voice accepting my simple offering.

One of the greatest parts of such beliefs is that celebrations encompass a season, not just one day. The joy and blessings flow continuously not just a moment or two. Spring is such an amazing season; explosions of life, color, scents and textures. This spring is so much more meaningful to me, it is a true beginning, a true window into a new found life. My life as a Druid. Even though I did not follow the official order of ritual for this day, it was still a personal, touching, and beautiful moment for me and the spirits in which I communicate. For me it was a magnificent way to show the Gods how I appreciated the joys of life, even amongst pain. 

I sat a bit longer listening to the leaves dance on the wind. It was truly my blessing of spring.

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