Monday, May 7, 2012

My Pantheon Part 1- Backpost 04/02/12

*stumbles around with a blindfold looking to pin the tail on the donkey*

That's how I feel. Out of pure genius I know what a Pantheon is. But after a lifetime of a mix of Christianity, Mother Earth and a secret love for the Water Goddess; having a structured set of cultural deities is foreign to me. Yet so exciting! As I read more of the Pantheon's recommended by ADF though I find it more important to personalize my worship. I may respect all deities but the personal connection to specific ones is what Druidry and ADF is all about to me. So now what I ask?

I am torn between deities of my local Southwest, where I grew up. With many Native American friends and influences; these spirits call to me daily and truly make me feel at home. But not only does ADF look to Pan-Indo European cultures as hearth Pantheons but I know that to properly pay homage to the Native American spirits, I must truly learn the practices of my ancestors. Being of Portuguese decent I am draw to the ancient cultures of the Iberian peninsula. Knowing some but little of these cultures, I knew they were a traveling people for sometime, but where did they travel from and what practices did they pick up along the way. I also know that there were Celtic settlements in Iberia. Does this make my hearth Celtic? It doesn't seem quite the same to have a hearth Pantheon that is based out of Irish or Western European culture versus one that was that my my ancestry. Hmmm...

Well there is a special interest group within ADF for Ancient Iberian culture....huzzah!

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