Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Strong Moon...

I have been remiss in my postings. I have been writing in my physical journal almost daily but lack of sleep and being happily busy with my girlfriend has cause for very little PC time. I will be posting in blocks the next week to get caught up on my entries.

That said...this moon cycle is playing with my mind. I've been an emotional wreck for the last two weeks. Sensitive to all others moods and words, questioning all my decisions, crying because I simply don't have any thing else to do, and the nightmares...oh yes there's nightmares. I'm overwhelmed by emotions. Sadly not just my own; my gifts of awareness and reading of others emotional energy has simply exhausted me over the years at times like this. I am not sure if this time is do to all those around me or the veil of the Otherworld being so dim this time of year. Whatever the case, I promise I am not going crazy with the voices in my head!

I am however weak. Weak in spirit and mind. My Beltane ritual was focused on asking for strength and protection. I gave thanks and made my offerings of fruit and fresh cut flowers and cried...really cried. I felt it was a cleansing. It felt wonderful to feel bathed by the spirits. However, I cant honestly say it is enough. My worry encompasses every action or leads to a thought of how I can be better at just about anything. I need booster blessings! *smirk*

So please be patient with me my Patrons, my Goddesses, and my partner. I am rebuilding my strength each day with rituals, devotionals, nature's beauty and those hugs that make me feel whole. I promise to be back to my usual self, a stronger, better, more focused woman as soon as I get through the Strong Moon.

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