Monday, May 7, 2012

My Pantheon Part 2- Backpost 04/06/12

The excitement of all the possible directions within ADF studies has me trembling, but I cant overdo myself. I must pace and put 100% effort to one thing at a time. Trying to work, be a good partner, doggie mom, photographer and general lover of life is tiring! The studies for my path will just give me strength and inspire me to be better each day.

Today my excitement is from the special interest group I joined for Ancient Iberian cultures. I hoped this will lead me to more information and resources on the Celts in Portugal. I found one amazing set of articles that discuss just this along with a list the deities and their descriptions.
This will no doubt be an excellent source to base building my Pantheon on. I do hope I can gain permission to develop this as my hearth culture over traditional Celtic deities. My attention is drawn to one of the appendices in the back of the Dedicant's manual. C; Adapting the DP to Specific Ethnic Paths...double huzzah! But it will require the proper research and devotion to show that this adaption is genuine and right for my spirit not just a whim. I will definitely seek guidance from the Goddess for this.
With this tool I have been about to narrow down the specific deities that speak to me. It's incredible to be able to put names and structure to the energy and spirits that dance on the wind to me.  I am hoping to find more about rituals, ceremonies, herbal mixes and celebrations. Anything, my soul hungers to piece together the language of my ancestors in their spiritual beliefs. I will start with Portuguese history, since most of what I found about Celtic history just has a paragraph or page about the Iberian peninsula. In general, the sources are scarce. But that drives me more. It opens up the freedom to be inspired and write my own rituals to truly make this practice modern, personal... mine.

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